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James WIlliam Lowe

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Status: Located

File nameLOWE, James William - Clanton.JPG
File Size572.26k
Dimensions1508 x 1396

Clanton City Cemetery, Clanton, Chilton, AL, United States

Clanton City Cemetery

Cemetery Photos

   Thumb   Description 
1Alwilda Lowe Alwilda Lowe
2Amanda Caroline Lowe Bruce Amanda Caroline Lowe Bruce
3Annie Marlar Thacker Annie Marlar Thacker
4Anstis Bruce Sims Anstis Bruce Sims
5Ben H. Sims Ben H. Sims
6Beulah Armstrong Lowe Beulah Armstrong Lowe
7Charley Rufus Bruce and his wife Mattie Lowe Bruce Charley Rufus Bruce and his wife Mattie Lowe Bruce
8Clay Lee Lowe Clay Lee Lowe
9Dalton Yancy Lowe Dalton Yancy Lowe
10Daniel Butler Lowe Daniel Butler Lowe
11Donovan Farrant Lowe Donovan Farrant Lowe
12Eddie Charles Bruce Eddie Charles Bruce
13Edmond Homer Lowe Edmond Homer Lowe
Date for year of death on headstone is assumed to be wrong. His actual death year was 1849. 
14Edmond Lowe and sister Martha Carroll Edmond Lowe and sister Martha Carroll
On this same headstone is his sister Martha Lowe Carol's name and her birth and death dates. She married Simon Carroll and is assumed to be buried elsewhere with her husband. Do you know why her info is shown on Edmund's headstone, too? 
15Edna Lowe Thompson Edna Lowe Thompson
16Edward S. Bialas Edward S. Bialas
17Etta 'Essie' Baker Marlar Etta "Essie" Baker Marlar
18Eva Lina Popwell Lowe Eva Lina Popwell Lowe
19F. M. Bruce F. M. Bruce
Not sure who this is. Can you identify? 
20George Washington Bruce George Washington Bruce
21Grover Cleveland Lowe Grover Cleveland Lowe
22Henry Gordon Thompson Henry Gordon Thompson
23Homer Lowe Bruce, his wife Maud Jones Bruce, and their daughter Syble Bruce Homer Lowe Bruce, his wife Maud Jones Bruce, and their daughter Syble Bruce
24James Edwin Lowe James Edwin Lowe
Headstone is many pieces. This is photo 1 of 3. 
25James Edwin Lowe James Edwin Lowe
Photo 2 of 3 
26James Edwin Lowe James Edwin Lowe
Photo 3 of 3 
27James Henry Lowe James Henry Lowe
28James WIlliam Lowe James WIlliam Lowe
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29John D. Thacker John D. Thacker
30John Lee Thacker Bialas John Lee Thacker Bialas
31Joseph Benjamin Marlar Joseph Benjamin Marlar
32K. Bruce K. Bruce
Not sure who this is. Can you identify? 
33Mae Frances Bruce Leuth Mae Frances Bruce Leuth
34Marie Price Sims Marie Price Sims
35Martha Ruth Lowe Martha Ruth Lowe
36Mary Isabella Bruce Marlar Mary Isabella Bruce Marlar
37Mary Sanderlin Lowe Mary Sanderlin Lowe
38Mattie T. Jones Lowe Mattie T. Jones Lowe
39R. Allen Marlar R. Allen Marlar
40Reuben Willis Lowe Reuben Willis Lowe
41Simmie Ann Lowe Marlar Simmie Ann Lowe Marlar
42Spartan Edward Bruce Spartan Edward Bruce
43walter C. Wilson and his wife Louise Rosemary Bruce Wilson walter C. Wilson and his wife Louise Rosemary Bruce Wilson
44William Edwin Lowe William Edwin Lowe
45Willis Clyde Lowe Willis Clyde Lowe
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46Willis E. Lowe Willis E. Lowe
Can you connect this person to our family?
47Willis Lowe Willis Lowe
48Zelphia Ann Lee Lowe Zelphia Ann Lee Lowe

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